Diary of a Mad Old Girl

Stuff I think about when I think about stuff.

Miss Mary Sunshine

Being happy all the time takes a lot of work. Sometimes it’s a lot harder than it seems. There are times, like today, when all I want to do is slam something really hard and scream at the top of my lungs, “Fuck you, you fucking fucker! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!”, but I won’t. Oh, that’s right, I didn’t take my pill last night. It’ll all be better later.  Image

“If You Give a Cyclops a Kitten” and Other Bad Children’s Books

This is good!

What is Fun Mode?




Jimmy Jim Jim Jim

My boyfriend is so dang frickin’ cute.

He and the dogs are all asleep on the bed.

And he’s snoring.

He never snores.

My sweet tired man.


Ahhhhhh, Snap!

Random thoughts on a lovely Sunday evening:

I am off for the evening.  Goodnight Everybody!

I Love StumbleUpon.com!

I Love StumbleUpon.com!

I just love http://www.stumbleupon.com !!!  I find really cool shit like this.


Yes, I am.

Random Photo I Stumbled Upon

This is a smart pizza.


This series of photos by Jeremy Harris show you one of my biggest fears. When I was young I truly thought I would end up in one of these places.


I Hate Valentine's Day

I’m in love but I still hate Valentine’s Day. Talk about the pressure.

I Am Here

So, I failed at my old blog.  Horribly.

I think I just need something that does not have my name written all over it.

Mostly so I can write things like this….

I had one of those orgasms last night that made me believe in God.

Yep.  This is good.  Let’s see how this goes.